“The Glory of God” is a Catholic Charismatic ministry created by Evangelist Maria Vadia to fulfill the Lord’s mandate to preach the Good News to all the nations. It is the desire of “The Glory of God” to see the Catholic Church revived and restored with the beauty and splendor of the Bride of Christ. Maria has ministered extensively around the world in over 30 nations, carrying a message of faith, salvation and healing.
A word
for 2024:
“I have come to cast fire upon the earth; and how I wish it were already kindled!” (Luke 12:49).
I believe we are living in a time when the Lord is raising “sons and daughters of fire,” who will spread fresh fire through the preaching and demonstration of God’s Kingdom. The Lord is raising up an army that is combat ready, bold and courageous to destroy the works of the devil. We are living in times of great spiritual warfare; therefore, we cannot stay trapped in confusion, the fear of man, passivity and the spectator mentality; we must rise up and enforce the victory of calvary over every situation that is not aligned with heaven. We are living in times of Isaiah 5:20, where good is called evil, and evil is called good.
View highlights from Maria's most recent trip to Uganda. During this particular visit, the Glory of God Foundation supported two charismatic conferences, ministered and fed refugees from Sudan & Congo. There were healings, deliverances, and great JOY!
If you are interested in having Maria Vadia speak at your church or event, please fill out the contact form. Please include dates and location in your message.
Serious inquiries only please.